বৃহস্পতিবার, ২২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৬

Quick-Step emergency worker discontent as the jute industry will be lost in our garment industry !!

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 
The meaning of life, mobility. Life moves at its own position. I enjoy life, we are all different color suit different, that's all. Frustrated jobless life of poverty behind crisis days mainly on the fate of the children of Adam to run the capital city. Run away may stumble upon their faces can be seen from any place in the body of water to remove salt, red or instant covered with a dirty cloth pain thirsty thirsty go out again. It's racing racing game. When you see the ultimate reality to be 7 am to 8 pm on any street or alley in the capital city, can easily be seen looking at the photo. The crowd rushed in capital the poor remote areas of the country that come from their regional speech is understandable. The number of people in the northern region known as the crisis area. In the context of an incident in his childhood before the heart has occurred. I am a student of the Primary School. Respected Sir, I scholarship prior to the examination and closing  Mr. Harendranath sentence for the crime that he could not write to me on my cheek and slapped folding raised. Later, he slapped me not to eat the fear that I'll write jute composition memorizes sir. He embraced me and said, Sir, drew the compassion of our country, the main driving force of golden fiber jute. Do you know what this is about folding? At that time, the engine did not understand what that means? And I knew at the heart of what it means? I now present the golden fiber jute our golden past. We all know the tragic consequences of the jute industry, both domestic and foreign conspiracy, who have been deeply involved in this industry for their unlimited absent was not less responsible. Also the development of the jute industry, varieties item innovation, etc. to reduce the cost of production of goods produced by the industry, the head of the person in charge was very lacking. They looked at a lot of things the government was allotment. Of the total, were seen as obstacles to the development of the industry allotment. As a result, in the womb of time disappeared as well as the golden fiber jute and jute industry. Although the country's economy faces a period debut as a substitute in the jute industry, garments industry. In 1981, he started a small-scale garment industry. Hundreds of feet, legs, walk the walk up the garment industry takes shape. Bangladesh is now considered the main driving force of this industry. 70 per cent of the country's foreign exchange comes from this sector. Saturn's state of the art in the beginning did not reply. Non-political unrest in the confines of the strike at the earth-shaking event of the death of labor unrest as workers in this industry has been shaken. If not, why disaster so many times in this industry? Why guilty repeatedly got away? As a result, a series of accidents and labor unrest. In short, the kind of accident in this industry are trying to promote. One. In 1990, a devastating fire in Dhaka's Mirpur 7 Sarika garment workers were killed and many injured workers. Two. 005 in Narayanganj, Khan Jan 7, 8 nimira garment factory workers were killed in the devastating fire. At the same time on Wednesday, April 11, Shahriar Fabrics baipaile Spectrum Sweater 8th-storey building collapsed and 65 workers were killed. Many were injured. Three. 006 in Chittagong on February 3 Arena ketiesa textile devastating fire 65 workers died. On February 4, the day after the Phoenix Tejgaon 1 people were killed in collapsed buildings. Four. 010 poor and the poor garment factory fire that killed two workers. The same night, at 1 pm on June 1, the 4-storey building in the capital's Tejgaon industrial area Begunbari dhbasepare on the 3 floor of the 5 people were killed. 010 14 December Hamim Group factory fire more than 30 workers were killed and 00 were injured. Five. 01 4 November production at the factory in Ashulia Tuba Group of Fashion garment factory fire 125 people. Six. At the 1127 collapse of the 013 deaths Ranaplaza we all know it was a moving event. I wish to know how many workers it would sacrifice life !! Whose cheap labor, sweat and self-abnegation, just when the economy is creating a solid foundation of our industry owners (some) of sub-standard items, such as those made with extreme anxiety and insecurity among workers, pushing the building. I never thought of what it means to be pushing them in death is sure to be sure to destroy the country's economy. The country's biggest buyer after the incident at the time, Wal-Mart, Jesipeni, H & M, Best Seller, Tesco, Levis, G Star, Lee and Fhong, GIZ representatives, including the world famous companies to ensure the safety of the workers to strike, including a blockade unless their take out of business (Source: day Bangladesh). Discussion and criticism at home and abroad in terms of safety and interests of the workers belatedly uphold the rights of the Bangladesh Labour Act (Amendment) 013 was approved by the government. This government deserves praise indeed. In reality, however, can not be justified only if the law requires. Interestingly, 34 of the country's export garment sector has been topping the list of brands. The sector contributes about 80 per cent of export earnings. Export earnings come from the rest of the sector 0. 33 percent. Export Promotion Bureau  has seen as the garment export earnings targets that are mentioned in the following sectors of the negligible contribution. Bangladesh's garment industry, where big companies to refrain from destructive programs like Strike and blockade, saying that otherwise they would wind up their business at the time of the siege new programs like  Strike was how logical move for the industry. The one-day strike and blockade 50 cores loss industry (Source: Morning News, 9 January / 15), and decreases the production of 30-35 percent. During the days of the strike and blockade of the amount of damages it is understandable. When the country overcome the current government is stable and middle-income countries, leading to labor unrest at a new garment and pulled in 9 days, 55 garment factories closed indefinitely Asuliya announced. As a citizen of a country feel anxiety about the future of this industry. Finally want to say that the industry has weathered the economic foundations of our country toward prosperity is to keep the industry alive in our own interests. This is our shared responsibility to protect the interests of the industry. 

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date 22 Dec / 16
Mobile -01717850964

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