বুধবার, ৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৬

Cancer Prevention-quality herbal medicinal plants karosol

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The compulsive nature of the carelessness and negligence of rules, some trees grew. The balance of nature, including trees that comes in handy in many manabajatira. Cancer Prevention-quality herbal medicinal karosol the type of tree. Miurikata ayanona scientific name of the tree. Can be seen at first hand, about 0 feet tall tree. Page banakamthala local fruits like tree leaves, fruit, like a lot of saikasera nagnabiji plant. So that the quality of herbal plant leaves, bark and fruits role in cancer prevention. Dimla upazila of Nilphamari tunirahata purbakharibari brought the tree army officer, Col. Ghani Raisul Almas. The UN peacekeeping mission in the West African country Ivory koste be there in ten karosol brought the seeds of the plant. Then come home to the village of his herbal garden full of indigenous methods Dimla tunirahate planted. Tree seedlings grown from seeds is becoming gradually. After 5 years of planting fruit trees is taken. Last year, 9 of the two trees, the tree has borne fruit. The results are starting to catch February, four months after the month of June, which means the fruit is ripe. On the eve of fruit ripening fruit flavor sent were scattered. Biography tree so much energy that you do not die easily be transferred. Herbal garden caretaker taphijula ​​Islam and Jewel Hossain said the fisherman; The herbal garden Colonel Sir different species of herbal plants in various countries of the world have invested. There are some trees in the garden, whose name we do not know. Col. Almas Raisul Ghani said when speaking to the mobile phone; Ivory Coast in West Africa, he came up with karosol fruit. He said; Fruit as an alternative to chemotherapy in the Cancer Prevention rogike are fed raw fruits. He added; People come from all over the country karosol leaves, bark, fruits, and are benefiting. 
 Humayun Kabir said Dimla Upazila Agriculture Officer; I've visited before the colonel's herbal garden, within a day or two to visit the herbal garden will mature karosol fruit. 
 Nilphamari district agricultural training officer Aftab Hossain, Colonel learned about herbal garden, a herbal garden in the northern model. This type of garden should be spread in every region of the country.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date -7 Dec / 16 
Mobile -01717850964

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