সোমবার, ২৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

 POEM -want love

"You are my love, 
                   My life boat, 
The more I like i shall continue to love, 
                   Age after age. I love, 
Build, dream, 
                  The Taj Mahal, 
You have blessed me with the body.  
                  Your face is like the moon, 
She can not be forgotten, 
                  I can not think of a moment, 
Just without you.  
                  The lamp life can be extinguished that day, 
The next day stay, 
                  My love will be fruitful, 
In the midst of this world. 

Kamruzzaman Mukta
Date 28 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

Mandar, a priceles tree is going to be lost from Nature


Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The nature of the indigenous species of plants are going to be increasingly lost. In many plants have become extinct. Some of the plants on the verge of extinction. neglect and necessary, we put an end to the indiscriminate cutting down valuable nature allowing this plant.Mandar-side door to the extinction of a plant name. Although the unique characteristics of the type of woody plant 10-15mitar  red flowers. Bloody red glow spread moves the flower of the human mind. One time around the house numerous times Mandar way through the tree when it appears as if the tree is going to be lost. Do not fall in the eyes glow spread easily Mandar indigenous plant species.  
Rangpur Sadar upozilla of the district around the field maminpur moktarpara found in the area of ​​the storm ornamental Mandar tree coloring.
Mandar scientific name-Erythrina indica, Family-Leguminoceae. Ornamental indigenous tree species longish shape. Itchy itchy spots found in the trunk of the green. Random stems and filled with sharp spines. At the tip of the stem length of around three triangular leaves. In February, at the time when the leaves fall and flowers. Red flowers bloom in red letters and flowers from the base to the top. Although the plant flowers in simple but nice.  
According to the story;Mandar or flowers of heaven. Sree Krishna king of heaven and earth from the force of the Mandar tree planted in his garden. However, before the tree coloring ornamental appreciate the honor, but now there is hardly any. Due to the nature of the storm is going to be lost at the plant ornamental Mandar. Mandar trees are talking about Rangpur Sadar Upozilla maminpur Up former chairman Ekramul Haque Dulu (75) said, one time Mandar trees in the area were numerous. People are gonna want to cut the tree as a fuel because it is not so obvious.  
He added, flowers as red as blood. It would have been so beautiful words can not express.  
Badarganj Women Degree College Department of Botany Assistant Professor Aminul Islam said, in our village around him, including the one-time Mandar numerous trees. ornamental indigenous tree species to humans has been used as a fuel. valuable due to the nature of the tree is not so obvious. he also said that, through the planting of new seedlings to protect the tree. Otherwise, the tree will be lost forever the nature Mandar.  
Badarganj Upozilla Deputy Assistan Agriculture Officer Kanak Chandra Roy said; Mandar ornamental plants indigenous tree species and can not be found. In the interest of our own indigenous tree species to be protected.  

Date-27 Feb / 17 

রবিবার, ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Akhando, a priceless plant having medicinal value is going to be lost from nature

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

In the lap of nature itself is the name of a tree growing Akhando. The plant contributes to the escalating human society largely neglected negligence. Many people do not know that we know about the skill tree. Done medicinal value indigenous tree species as a fuel Akhando cut esilly finished. In the past, valuable tree in the left side of the road or in any field, no longer seem to be very much the same can not be seen.Scientific name Akando- Calotropis procera,Family- Asclepiadaceae.3-6 feet tall-tree. Kind of hairy leaves, the leaves and branches of the milky white flour out juicy. medicinal value carried out on valuable plant as a highly effective role painkillers.  
Badarganj Upozilla Ramnathpur UP Jhakuyapara village at first hand the whole district around the found by the tracks.  
Akhando plants are talking about Ramnathpur Up former chairman and senior Mohiuddin Pramanik (85) said; Done medicinal value indigenous tree species could be found there along with us. Cut tree used as a fuel due to the fuel crisis in the eyes of the Akhando plants is falling. She also said that, in nature, a tree growing neglect and neglected invaluable resource. As a very effective pain reliever. He lost to the nature of the plant does not need to be looked at. Rural doctor Rahmat Ali (70) said, after much searching I found the tree by the side of the tracks. For arthritis patients on a tree in my very needed. Page're going to be here, we will create medicine. Badarganj Women's Degree College Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam Said, a new generation of sons and daughters of indigenous tree species Akhando do not know and do not know about the quality. Akhando role of trees in human diseases. But we cut the tree eat herbal times'm done. Akhando if we do not understand the tree as a fuel cut if the end of the day  medicinal value completed plant will be lost forever. he also said that, if necessary, for our own indigenous tree species, medicinal value done to save us. We should like our teachers, the students were familiar with the value and quality of the tree to be aware of. Badarganj Deputy Assistant Upozilla Agriculture Officer (Plant archived) Kanak Chandra Roy said; Akhando plants can not be the same again. A valuable medicinal plants(tree) species indigenous sourcing done to protect our interest.  

Date-26 Feb / 17 

শনিবার, ২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Arjun Tree is going to be lost from Nature

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur):
The standing of the Arjun tree inflamed wounds. From far distance  day to be coming from the tree bark of the tree to be picked up, fell into disrepair. Inflamed lesions on the field around the village of Jhakuyapara standing amongst Ramnathpur Up seen This tree. No one would think to look at the tree, the tree species native medicinal value completed. People are gonna valuable local tree barks and branches of the tree to be cut down dead now. Scientific name of Arjun- Tarminalia arjuna, Family-Combretaceae. 
This Tree 30-40 Fit height. Two cm long and hard fruit. winter leaves foll down. This tree small flowers. Flower fragrance too. Tree bark juice acts as a good tonic. Essentially it works very less bladed and heart.  
Badarganj Upozilla Ramnathpur Up Jakuapara villege former Chairman and senior man Mohiuddin Pramanik(85) Arjun tree is talking, He said; Arjun had a lot of trees in our village before. Currently it is not condoned. Done Medicinal value tree cut down a new tree planting is valuable because today is going to be lost.  Badarganj Upozilla Madhupur Up Pakarmatha village amongst residents  are talking  Serajul Haq (65) said; Arjun saw during our numerous trees in the area were small. People came from far he would take up the tree bark. The bark was picked up and made Local doctors rural medicine. Arjun tree does not happen anymore. 
Badarganj Women Degree College Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam said ; Arjun was a lot of trees around our house at one time. The indigenous medicinal value species in nature is lost. Less bladed, heart disease and role of Arjun. If we planted tree seedlings if we do not know about the new generation of valuable Medicinal value completed or will not recognize the Arjun tree. Arjun will be necessary to protect our own tree. 
Badarganj Upazila Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer Kanak Chandra Roy said ; And the same is not available ajurn tree. Arjun valuable indigenous tree species to protect our own interests.  

Date-25 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

শুক্রবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

A Neglected Plant Water Hyacinth, Can Contribute a lot to Economy

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

The pond ponds around our house, no water trough or abandoned auto plant that grew up in the name of the water hyacinth. Water hyacinth clearer both environmental pollution, land fertile energy, soil quality narrowing curry, curry bio-gas production, as well as cattle fodder neglected provider, this may have contributed to the economy of our country, we need to know better. Hyacinth scientific name  Eichhornia crassipes, Family- Pontedericeae.  
Scientists ideas; hyacinth originated in South America, Venezuela. According to research at the University of Jawaharlal Nehru, India's tech Hyacinth dried meat have almost 2.29 percent, 2.12 percent fat, fiber, 18.3 percent, 17.8 percent ash, 3.65 percent nitrogen, phosphorus and 3.87 Carbon-nitrogen ratio of 17: 1. More and more pages than the hyacinth plant protein materials are available. 3.29 percent of the amount. So if you use it as fodder cow healthy natural way possible.  
Biogas from water hyacinth acute energy crisis in our country. By creating small bio-gas plants for cooking smaller families can take advantage of easily. The 4 feet to 8 feet thick, made of tin air control  to create a plant. Filled with water hyacinth plant to rot. It will be down to the ground. Including cooking gas to the plant's light. The hyacinth pulp made of paper pulp, bleaching powder, calcium carbonate, and sodium carbonate is heated with the paper pulp was prepared. Mosquito coils to create a dry hyacinth boiled pulp. With molasses, wood powder, bleaching powder and mixed with incense burning sun and mosquito repellent are good dry. Hyacinth as pesticides and fertilizer raw hyacinth pulp, copper sulfate or copper sulphate mixed with crops such as insects die when sprayed on the other hand, if the value of the land will be carried out spraying fertilizer. Fish and fish as food hyacinth physical growth, the need for food and fertilizer to keep clean and healthy. The superior quality compost fertilizer and food can be made with water hyacinth. Because 88 percent of the water hyacinth compost to create . We all know more or less directly grasskarp the fish eat water hyacinth. In addition, the hyacinth compost fartail power increase of the role of the land. Hyacinth blue hyacinth flowers for food use can be made of the delicious pate. The more protein (water hyacinth can be made into) Bora. Also with a rope made of water hyacinth, petroleum-based products, including water dispenser can be used for various purposes. Badarganj Women Degree College  Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam said; Water hyacinth can be neglected rural huge role. This plant does not despise her neglectful available neglected contribution to the further research needs to be kept in mind.  

Date -24 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Shortage of agricultural labourers, Tradition of our rural Bangladesh Cow-Bauffalo Ploughs are being Lost

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The time period with the rural tradition of the cow plowing the verge of giving up. In modern times, power tillers and tractor power is lost during plowing with oxen and buffalo helm. Farmers in the current period with the cow or buffalo plow up more time is needed. But they also acknowledge that, plow, cow-buffalo rudder has no equal. Essentially tractors or power tillers to farmers in time to save the current period has agree.  
Badarganj Upozilla Ramnathpur Up Jhakuyapara village respectable farmer Afzal Hossion (65) said, it was up to our house before 5-6 Pair cows and buffalo. There are currently up 1 pair of oxen. We are now plowing with power tiller. Cows and buffalo to plow up land with additional agricultural laborers are required. The agricultural workers are not available. Power tillers of the land can be cultivated in a short time. Does not require additional agricultural laborers. he says; Power tillers of the land can not be cultivated in the best way, it's true. Cow-buffalo rudder is needed to  soil. The only reason I have a shortage of agricultural laborers were forced to land with power tillers cultivate. He added: Rural Heritage cow or buffalo plow through up to now there is hardly any land to cultivate. The village is very low at the helm of the cow-buffalo. Cows and buffalo are mixed up with the history and culture of our country's emergency reserve. Otherwise, the rural tradition of the land for farming, cattle, buffalo plow the womb of time will disappear. 
Same village farmer Emarul Haq (55) said, there is no alternative to the current buffalo and cattle farming land. Shortage of agricultural workers into the cow-buffalo to save time going up and up. I land on my onions, garlic, gourd, bitter gourd have settled. Cow-buffalo all the crop land is impossible to create without the helm. He added; Rural traditions of our cows and buffalo save us up to it. If you do not give up land for cultivation of cows and buffalo will disappear. According to the principal of the Badarganj Women's Degree College Bimalendu Sarkar Said, before it was up to our house 5-6 Pair Cow-buffalo. Farm workers are not available at the time, so the state has fallen buffalo cows. Land suitable for crops and cattle to buffalo the rudder there is no alternative. She also said, with power tillers and tractors, and whatever the land is appropriately prepared. Cow-buffalo plow the land for our heritage of our country must be protected. If you do not use the land to build the rudder that was before the buffalo herds, the next generation will not be aware.  
Badarganj Upozilla Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer Kanak Chandra Roy said ; And to save time due to lack of land for cultivation of agricultural workers to the rural tradition of the cow-buffalo helm, and not so obvious. To protect themselves, their tradition and culture.  

Date-23 Feb / 17 

বুধবার, ২২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Nuru Mia became self sufficient by selling Boiler(Poultry)

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

Nuru Mia(55). The name of a laboring man. If necessary, during the life of a poor man traveled the streets in search of work. At that time did not work, his family has to be constantly hungry. Eventually he found work as a hotel boy. Nuru hotel for a long time been working boy of barely manage. Boy revenue and the cost of a hotel with the family when the children were forced to run, he having a hard time eating local chickens when trading began. Some days do not go to the losses of the business. While walking around the streets of the capital, when he lost the advice of a neighbor began selling chicken. This business is now in the space of a few years Nuru independed. 
Badarganj Municipal area Dhanhati Villege Nuru Mia said, a hotel boy worked for a long time. Baker lived. Days spent a lot of time with his family away. For 4 years now, I independed boiler chicken sold. He said: cattle, mutton and chicken prices higher due to domestic low-income people can not afford meat. The buyer of the boiler due to lower prices of chicken and incur more and more. All of my children are studying.This business with its own built Building. Bought some paddy land. 
Badarganj Municipal Area Mondal para Villege Mohidul-ul-Haq (45)  said,we are poor people. Life needs a lot of work to do but could not do much. This business is so far only rolled out today. Money, lands, houses were everything.  
The identity of the journalist came forward boiler chicken seller at Badarganj Upozilla Radhanagar UP sastripara village Abdul Majid (40) said; For a long time I was unemployed. There was no capital to big business. The family was very distressed. One of my neighbors, I saw the meat business to business sales. She also said that, due to the low price of meat a lot more buyers. If the buyer wants to purchase the amount of meat like. In fact, buyers incur much higher.  
Boilers to buy chicken in the Badarganj Women Degree College lecturer Yunus Ali said  ; The chicken is one of the most popular meat in the boiler. Due to lower the price of meat buyer for all class of people. It's good to think that only the boiler chicken sold throughout the country, thousands of jobs have been created for unemployed youth. 

Date-22 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

মঙ্গলবার, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Poem - Devotion of Martyrs

"Of this society 
                 you know who I am?  
I am a martyred freedom fighter, 
                Much hope of conviction, 
Gave their lives for the country, 
               Morays you forgot, 
What my name was?  
               If you Don't forget, 
My family a little look at, 
              Ignored and neglected my child was dead, 
I am my brother have died, 
             A little bit hearty you eat them, 
Not if, 
            And as the end, 
           Send beyond, 
Just how much hope take, 
          Gave my soul, 
This is his reward, 
          If so, 
Then do not come to the Shahid Minar (symbol of nation's respect for the language martyrs), 
         The flowers do not confer ours, 
To gain time, 
        And eat hearty everyone .......... "

Kamruzzaman Mukta
Date- 21 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

সোমবার, ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Nagassar Tree is going to be lost from Nature

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

The nature is lost to plant indigenous species called Nagassar. At one time, more or less in all parts of the country seem to be never seen so much anymore. 10-15 mitar elongated leaves of the tree, the tree is in full leaf tree branches can not see nothing. Do not say tree leaves to shade throughout the year. Mesua nagassarium Scientific name of the tree. Family-Guttiferae Gutipheri.  
Bengali culture and nature are mixed in contact with the tree Nagassar. Badarganj Ramnathpur Up former chairman and senior man Mohiuddin Pramanik (85) told this correspondent on the mobile phone; I see from the short duration of our region Nagassar trees. People cut down trees because the eye is not a new planting trees Nagassar friendly nature. If necessary, to protect our indigenous tree species Nagassar. She also said, many indigenous species of birds nest in the tree, but the foreign species of birds nest in a tree not.  
Badarganj Women Degree College Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam Said; A Nagassar of indigenous plant species. On the verge of extinction in the friendly nature of the tree will have to protect our interests. Done at times to tell the new generation about the medicinal plant and will give him directions. He added; Missing from the Department of Agriculture Extension through this Nagassar tree seedlings will be spread throughout the country. Otherwise Nageshwara tree one day will be lost in the environment.  
Badarganj Upozilla Assistant Agriculture Officer Kanak Chandra Roy said ; The tree Nagassar and not so obvious. Eco-friendly tree will protect us if necessary.  

Badarganj, Rangpur
Date-20 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

রবিবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Pakur Tree (As Like Banyan)is going to be lost from nature

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

The tree As Like Banyan (Pakur). Everyone knows the name of each tree pakur regional languages. Another name Bodhidrum. Buddhist religious teacher of Buddhism, Gautam Buddha was sitting under the tree. The tree is most sacred to Buddhists and Hindus Pakur.  
Pakur scientific name Ficus religiosa,Family- Moraceae.  
60-70 mitar high relative plant trees. The tree survived two thousand years. The flowers can not be seen. Like a banyan tree fruits. It Pakur as the banyan tree is basket case. Drink a lot of pages that link to you. In winter, the fall foliage. Stood under the tree leaves in the wind a little jingle is heard. All regions of the country at one time pakur trees could be seen. Bengali culture and nature are merged into contact with the tree this Pakur. Currently pakur trees, and not so obvious. There was a time when the front of the house, the land, the trees had pakur along and Ferryghat .Address to make sure the tree or used pakur. Trees had Pakur to the Milan fair. Ferry Crossing  Pakur macam bamboo tree were made for people. Pedestrians before the ferry crossing would spend idle time. The city pakur to village fairs took place under the tree. This pakur even agricultural workers had taken the time to rest under a tree. 
Former chairman and senior man on Badarganj Ramnathpur UP Mohiuddin Pramanik (85) According to this correspondent on the mobile phone; Bot in our region, and pakur to be the day of small trees. Older people cut down trees because it is not a new planting is not the nature of the friendly banyan and pakur to see the trees. Our large trees needed to be protected. One of the reasons for the decline in bird banyan tree, and pakur to be killed. " 
Badarganj Women Degree College Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam said ; A banyan  and pakur tree to cut down trees with a 3 hundred species habitat is destroyed. They go in search of shelter. The shelter does not match one of the lost time, or is abolished. She also said that, if necessary, in our own environment, and pakur to have a large banyan tree in the shape of the need to protect indigenous species. If not, this pakur to be one of nature (pakur) tree will be lost.  

Date -19 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

শনিবার, ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Poem - My Homeland

"A small country, 
              The name of Our Bangladesh,
The country of my dreams, 
              The Homeland Bangladesh.  
Sacrifice of life for language, 
             There is no country that the reputation, 
Independence and sovereignty is for life, 
            And they put the bet, 
Now independent and sovereign country, 
            My beloved Homeland Bangladesh ".

Kamruzzaman Mukta
Date -18 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

শুক্রবার, ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Chatim (Plant) is going to be lost from nature

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

The name of a plant Chatim. The origin of the name of the umbrella. Evergreen tree has another name. The Saptaparni. 5-7 large leaves at the top of the tree is the goal. Saptaparni in the name of the tree. Chatim scientific name Alstonia scholaris , Family name- Apocynaceae. At one point in the black-boards were made of wood. Chatim flowers in Late autumn. Whitish green small flower vine is very pungent smell. Evening air filled with the aroma of far away as it can be spread. The flavor is very enjoyable. Tree height from 30 to 40 meters. Chatim going to be the nature of the plant is gradually lost. At one time the plant is the trademark cynicism seem to be everywhere now, and that is not enough.  
Badarganj around on field amongst Ramnathpur Up Kismat ghatabil area found by the tracks of the plant .Chatim are talking about trees on Ramnathpur UP Jhakuyapara  ghatabil village Resident Emarul Haq (55), he said; All more or less at one time would have seen Chatim tree. At present, I have not seen. Do not plant the tree planting new trees felled to extinction today.  
Ghulam Mustafa(60), a resident of the village of Jhakuyapara, he said; Litchi Mango trees we're planting the sapling planted slightly in volume Chatim're not. In addition to that tree that was cut down all Chatim we're finished.  
Badarganj Women Degree College Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam  Said; Nature-friendly Chatim, there is hardly any tree. We have been forced to cut down the tree. Chatim timber Black College Board School, Fire boxes and sticks, furniture is made. Also Chatim skin and Kos (juice), fever, dysentery and leprosy effective role. Students do not know the current period Chatim the tree. Chatim people about the benefits of the new generation and to tell. He added; If you do not have to save the tree of our needs Chatim the friendly nature of the tree to make sure it will be lost.  
Badarganj Upozilla Assistant Agriculture Officer (Plant archived) Kanak Chandra Roy said; The indigenous tree species Chatim to save our interests. Otherwise, the day may be lost.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date -17 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Urea Vs Azolla(Plant) Azolla can contribute to dairy industrys too

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The neglect and neglected plants that grow automatically in a Azolla(Plant). The plant is very important for our country as farmers destroy weeds. But this may be urea plant options. We all know that, I'll sprinkle field crops urea nitrogen fulfill the deficit. But there is plenty of nitrogen neglected the Azolla Plants. Which is very necessary for plants. In addition to the large amounts of nitrogen and organic material found Azolla. Fartail which improves the strength of the soil. If the farmer does not lose Azolla  urea to buy the plant as a weed, they face harassment, including the amount of financial loss from it, they can easily get rid of. Not only can be used Azolla Dairy industries. Azolla fed cow's milk cow farming it is possible to increase the lean cows with. Azolla widely cultivated in India and neighboring countries if they are to benefit. Azolla What? Azolla a kind of aquatic plants (moss). Which is growing rapidly. Almost all regions of the trough pond, rice fields and even found them in a little water. Azolla rapidly growing paddy land and therefore they can receive rapid vegetative spread and plaster surface of the water, resulting in the weeds can not grow. 1015dinera planting rice cultivation method in the field of water at 45semi Azolla will Spread . 1015dinera Azolla vegetative propagation in a suitable environment to start. At the time, the soil will be mixed with a little water at the Azolla. Abandoned in the field of farming ponds puddle water Azolla the year it can be used as an alternative to urea. Micro element  role as a source of plant material widely. It is the use of sulfur, zinc can be used to reduce the deficit. Azolla hormone is also provided.  
Badarganj Women's Degree College senior lecturer in the Department of Botany and Badarganj Reporters Club president,Kamruzzaman Mukta said; land use urea nitrogen were originally due. If farmers in land use urea excessively severe impact on crops and land. The yield is low, land Fer tail strength decreases. But in the case of large amounts of aquatic plants called Azolla that fixes nitrogen. Fertail field strength increases. Increased soil water capacity. Azolla of various types of minerals required Nutrition exists. Fixing the Hormone. He added; Azolla use of urea can be greatly reduced.  
Badarganj Bheteranari surgeon Dr Hossain sakhaoyat; Dairy industry Azolla immense importance. Azolla feeding cow's milk to grow strong with healthy cows. 
Badarganj Upozilla Assistant Agriculture Officer (Plant archived) Kanak Chandra Roy said; Azolla the plant is used as fertilizer, farmers will be reduced to ensure the use of urea. The farmers will benefit.  

Date -16 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

বুধবার, ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Banyan Tree(King of Plants) is going to be lost from Nature

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The banyan tree is just. It Brikoraj(King of plants), Banaspati, Mahirua. The scientific name Ficus bengalensis of the plant Family Morasi. At one time the entire region could be seen banyan tree. Banyan tree in Bengali culture and nature are in contact with the mix. Around the branches hold the ecological system. Compared to older persons living in our family tree is. The banyan tree is not so obvious. There was a time when the front of the house, the land side, and had FerryGhat Banyan. No address was used to make sure the banyan trees. Banyan fair human intercourse. Ferry Ghat were made for people under the banyan tree bamboo machang. Pedestrians before the ferry crossing ferry crossing would spend idle time. G-city fairs took place under the tree. Even the agricultural workers of the bots took time to rest under a tree.  
Poet of the poets Rabindranath Tagore wrote his poem, "fall down complex matted hair, thick dense pages occur, would have been Here and there sun , pool-side bots(Banyan)". 
Former chairman and senior man on Badarganj Damodarpur UP  Nalini Sarker (90) According to this correspondent on the mobile phone; Banyan Tree was of short duration us to be in the region. Banyan old man had not been cut down, and the eyes of a new planting trees is not the nature of the friendly bots. This is necessary to protect our large Banyan. Container and environment-friendly tradition of the banyan tree of the knowledge of the environment and Naturist Research, said: "When a species destroy the environment, destroy the eco-system that can be taken from the banyan tree has been cut off. Banyan is one of the reasons for the decline in the bird being killed. " Badarganj Women Degree College Assistant Professor Department of Botany Aminul Islam said ; A bot is a waste of trees cut down to 3 hundred species habitat. They go in search of shelter. The shelter does not match one of the lost time, or is abolished. He and our own needs to protect the environment Banyan large size. Otherwise, this is one of nature King of plants will be lost.  

Date -15 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Poem- Love

"Is the identity 
           Of the two-learn on the go, 
Is to meet the friendship, 
           Feel the breath of faith 
Around the dreamer is more, 
           From the day of the month is the night, 
I always thought of the restless mind, 
           what is it, why is ?  
Faith was dark,
          It was love at one time. "  

Kamruzzaman Mukta
Date -14 Feb / 17
Mobile -01717850964

সোমবার, ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Spring celebration in Badarganj Women College

Kamruzzaman  Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur):

In the spring today. With the arrival of spring as new Queen of seasons  shifted dressed. Banngali the generosity of nature and the soul has a new Bengali. Bengalis long time Queen of seasons welcomes Spring with traditional dancing and singing mind glowing mixing red and yellow colors of gold adorned the spring. Does the desire to love. This spring's new lifelong banngali clamor, cuckoo sound, southerly breeze, the sound of leaves. Meeting in the spring of nature all. The nature, the Bengali language, society, culture and literature occupies a large space Queen of seasons this spring. This spring creates banngali encourage heart. An indescribable atmosphere appealing. Not only humans think, trees and animals to dangle in the breeze.  
Bengalis all over the country to welcome as many hold Queen of seasons Badarganj Women Degree College Spring. Spring starts with music and cultural events, conferences and awards ceremony reward. Telikanapharense spoke as the chief guest of Rangpur-2 Mp Abul Kalam Ahsanul Haque Chowdhury Duke MP. Chairman of the Implementation Committee as special guests attended Badarganj Degree College former(Acting) principal Mr. Mecher Uddin, a member of the college governing body Ahsan Habib Laiju. Badarganj Women's Degree College Principal Bimolendu sarker  presided over. The chief guest Duke Chowdhury MP,   telikanapharense said students purpose; Bengali culture and the culture of the Bengalis to nurture the culture of the heart. He urged them to study as well as more students. Finally, during the spring cultural program and prize distributed. Song first position twelfth Science student Babli, poetry became the first sophomore honors Student Nodi,  dance team first Science student Misty, Humanities Department student Sweety, Be the first to spring festivals According come first Irene was student of science XI. Twelve ceremony was conducted by the Department of Business Studies Student Babli and eleven Class student Rattry.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date -13 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

রবিবার, ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Mono mahanto became independed by cultivation Pumpkin and cucumber

Kamruzzaman Mukta Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The Mono Mohanta cultivate paddy land some five years ago when a relative of the advice of its way to becoming destitute, abandoned in front of his house began pumpkin and cucumber 0 percent of cultivated land. The 5-year interval mono Mohanta independed now. ordinary break the brick building houses, some paddy land purchased more beef farm. Badarganj municipal fire near the village of Jugipara. Mono Mohanta and his wife in connection with the jubilee the reporter said Mohanta jubilee; 5 years ago, we just had some of our paddy rice cultivation. Urea, diesel fuel, pesticides, and the price continues to rise in price of rice decreased Barely used to our family. Over the last 5 years 0 per cent of the national crop cultivation of vegetables, including cucumbers, pumpkin fields, so we're a lot better now. 0 4 centuries worth of land last year bought the seeds of the pumpkin pumpkin sold 40 thousand rupees. We have sold 50 thousand in cash with the cucumber. Well, again, we're expecting good harvests. He said; Anyone of us can benefit from cultivating crops and vegetables.  
Neighbor Sobuj Mohanta said ; His family situation was not much better. Cultivation of horticultural crops, the mono only independed Mono Mohanta.  
Badarganj assistant agriculture officer Kanak Chandra Roy said; Naize wheat farmers in the region grow more rice. The small gourd and cucumber farming land farmers can benefit more.  

Badarganj Rangpur 
Date 12 February / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

শনিবার, ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Carelessness may cause a heavy toll of lives, Shop of warm cloths beside railway line with risk of life,

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 

The life moves at its own pace and in his position as the ticking of the clock away. How do the needs of the people involved in the profession. The more risk profession full of life, whether it is to deal with that as it may, if necessary. On the railway line has been built in different parts of the country during the winter seasonal warm cloth. Life livelihood of small traders to continue the life-risking the business seasonal warm clothes during winter.  
Go to the spot, on the railway line and the warm winter clothes, small business Afzal Hossain, Manik Mia, they said; Rail lines are at the risk of life above the business. What do you do, brother, we are poor, but to save lives. And they said, small traders like us on rail lines across the country continue to diversify the business. And there is nothing to us. I was running with my family income. If not, we will die of starvation. Our main customer in this business, laboring poor people. At a high price if they wanted to be the big stores will not be able to buy warm clothes. We are forced to survive life on the tracks and did. To buy warm clothes The rickshaw puller Amjad Ali said, winter clothes to buy a small amount of these shops if you do not, we could not. But it's certainly a high risk on the railways and the government fallow land, they are without a place to do business? If we live the lives of small traders. 
Badarganj come to buy warm clothes Yunus Ali. He said, some warm clothes at low prices to come here. Railway give the store's risk. In fact, they are poor and small business. They have been engaged in business with less capital. The authorities would have a specific place for these businesses, then they were very good.  
The railway junction in the northern district of Parbatipur Railway Station Master Ziaul Ahsan told this correspondent on mobile phones; Parbotipur railway junction on the railway line to have warm clothes shop I do not know. If stores are now moving in the stores.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date -11 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

শুক্রবার, ১০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Symbol of rural traditional cow and buffalo carts are being lost

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 
The traditional long-time tradition of the old village is no more cows, buffalo cart. It's foreseeable way through the past. At one time, including cargo transport vehicle was the only one to Long route  the cow-buffalo environmentally friendly cars. The villages are widely seen cows and buffalo vehicle. Rural tradition in the modern era, cows, buffalo cart and not condoned.  
In addition, Badarganj Upozilla Ramnathpur UP Jhakuyapara  village is the senior person(housewife) Alatapona Nesa (98) said; She has been married to my childhood. The camp dressed as a cow-buffalo ranch car hundred cars had arranged my marriage. And the cows, buffalo cart for transporting the system did not have any. Today, memories of the days. I remember very days.  
He added; At one time, including our village nearby village wedding in the family, including cattle, buffalo used cars. 
Gopinathpur UP is the senior person Fojlar Rahaman (90) said; At one time there were 10 pairs of cows and buffalo cart in my house. The people of the village and their wedding took my cows and buffalo cart. Plow, cow-buffalo charge current matching pair. While plowing with power tiller is currently cultivated land can not be just like. Ladder to the ground, including the soil is crumbly cow-buffalo does not compare to the rudder.  
Badarganj Degree College former principal Afzal Hossain said; The current generation of children, cows and buffalo roamed the people in the car surprise. Rural traditions of our past, they do not know about cows and buffalo cart. The cows are less environmentally friendly cars is not available anymore. Rural children about the traditions of the past to our own needs will be. Otherwise, Bengali and Bengali heritage will be lost one day.  

Date -10 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

বুধবার, ৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Poem- Slum

"That they are not comfortable motorway slums, 
                              Hunger and poverty, 
Frustration and failure, 
                             Despair what hope is everything, 
What confidence, 
                            What are dim flame of life  pain, 
Anguish after her sick child Messenger of death, 
                            Who is being treated trust ! 
 How to survive in survival for survival!  

Kamruzzaman Mukta
Date -9 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

They belong to third gender, A Day with the third Gender(Local name Hijra)

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 

Syed Ali (59), Nupur (37), Farida (25), Swapna (25), Keya (24) Shanta (27), Megha (35). Their home Badarganj Upozilla. They are the third-sex people. And the common people of the Completely different. To see men or women feel like if they were male or female none. These people are family to be as isolated as another kindness and mercy are still alive they are. In their anger were far from over. The survival of an unbearable pain.  
First hand, and on the third sex these people talking to the leader Syed Ali (59), said; Our pain one does not understand. Our Don't own space, home & family. Long two more than a decade in another house Lebarer as I was. Empty-handed at one time the home to be moved. The old age I am now, where can I go? Who Food and Clothing going to take responsibility? Neither man. We have other sufferings to understand our suffering, no one wants to listen, not only does not understand.  
Journalists identity came forward Rangpur Sadar Upozilla Maminpur Moktarpara village hegira Kohinoor (45) he said; Our hard life. The difficulty we live. Constantly another kick and insult us to go. Our own home, we neglected. The village people started us mixed up with that. Good eye can not see. Forced to survive we hijra merged villages, get the hand of others, the live. 
Badarganj at Gopalpur Paschimpara village hegira Nupur (37), said; Our family from there. They seek not take. The way to survive in the name of what life is? I do not like. We Badarganj hijra together and want to stay. The government of our public lands to rehabilitate the system would then benefit would. He added; We have people kicking and dishonor to them to get the hand of any of the stages of life save, but the worst seemed, 
Noorjahan(Leder of Hijra) live in Rangpur and his men came to us in the month from force 3 thousand taka take. Thus Badarganj of each month Noorjahan 3 thousand taka and Taraganj Upozilla be two thousand taka was taken. To pay late, or the refusal of Rangpur hijra our house out of does not, and physical and mental torture. This to be rid want. His words for the rest of the hijra the same thing this correspondent said.  
Badarganj Gopalpur UP hijra Farida (25)said; I heard the Hijra much for doing something. But we are the government of all the opportunities to be deprived. We disability pension can not. Badarganj social welfare officer Nazrul Islam said, a medical examination just third gender(hijra) detection possible. a hegira Shamsun nahar was found at Badarganj, The official payment process.  
Badarganj Upozilla Executive Officer Kazi abeda Gulshan said; The government Hijra arrange for a pension has. Gradually, the whole hijra community benefits will be brought under. 

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date -8 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

সোমবার, ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Poem- Beloved One

"At the heart of his thinking, 
               I dressed differently arranged, 
Secret hut in the midst of the heart, 
               The seat of Devi have set thee, 
That thou to me, 
               Just me, 
Do not forget that sometimes." 

Kamruzzaman Mukta 
Date-7 February / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

Poor young women are in dependend Badarganj BRDB office

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 

Jahanara Begum (45). One poor woman's name. At home Badarganj Upozilla  Radhanogar UP Laldighi village. Day laborer husband. At one time the world had ever partner grievances. Daily household spending to tackle the husband crazy when he took the decision to do something Jahanara. At the neighborhood you can find a school teacher Badarganj Rural Development Board (BRDB) young women trying to in dependend them with technical education.  
Husbend no informing Jahanara Begum Badarganj BRDB  came to the office for a while. Developing training took Sataranji. Modern decorated Sataranji needs of the country and abroad. He began the job of developing Sataranji. Currently, he is now in depended Sataranji made and marketed.  
Sataranji craftsmen and in depended women Jahanara Begum said, do not eat, eat have a lot of time in my life. Difficulty with day-laborer husband used to earn our family alone. I do not think I could. On the advice of a school teacher training is developing Sataranji Badarganj BRDB office. Sataranji now made and marketed by the grace of God, I'm good. I am grateful to the authorities BRDB office. They helped me to in dependend.  
Badarganj BRDB office sources, poverty four subject technical education,rural electricians, Emabradari, sewing and  education  being Sataranji . The month-long training to ensure employment generation were young women. During the training allowance was paid to 250 taka female youth. The authorities of the young woman got 1 per day, the rest of the money was given to them at the end of training and have received the necessary training and equipment is provided. The training of the young women of the village was formed. Then the loan application to the BRDB soft loan was arranged. Even their goods to market helped to create. 
Is to come to training Khadija Begum (45), female Begum (35), Ainun Nahar Bobby (35), they said; Here we're training on each individual. It feels so good. Hopefully in the future we can do something good. 
Badarganj Rural Development and Cooperatives officer Mojammel haque said the ; 2008 since the program began. in depended 173, people were already 13 teams, which means they have been given loans on easy terms. The amount of money of 31 million 4 thusend taka.  
Badarganj BRDB chairman Obaidul haque Chowdhury said ; Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been working restlessly poverty reduction. Consequently, we are working. 

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date- 6 February / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

রবিবার, ৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

They are blacksmiths

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur): 
Sudhir Roy Karmokar (85). Blacksmith by profession. Badarganj amongst Damodarpur Up Amrulbari at home. The British period to be associated with this profession to hand over their forefathers. Since she has been working in the blacksmith. Her three children are directly involved in this profession. Essentially, they are now running a small business. Photos, axes, knives, kitchen, use a variety of materials, including iron spade he had created. This is the only business judgment Sudhir Karmokar independend today. Badarganj Municipal Shahid Minar area of blacksmith field.  Blacksmith industry veteran with Sudhir Roy, he said; This may have been the work of short duration. It is the job of our ancestors. My father and grandfather, blacksmith worked during the British period. I was involved in them to help. My three children are involved in this business. At present, they are assisting me. independend the grace of God I am today without this business. Essentially the demand in different parts of the country, I send my luggage, and my business is good. He said: It is good to think that my business at least 30 people were able to arrange employment. But this job is extremely hard work. Anyone can do this if they wished.  
Staff Dhananjoy Mohonto (55), said; Have been working on for decades. I do not know of another job. I work here every day 6 of the money, which came with my family. Employees 
Dhiren Chandra Roy (45) said, one time I was unemployed. These institutions have been working for 10 years. My family is making the day go by.  
The village blacksmith, and the blacksmith Kartik Chandra (65),  said; Pakistan period are working in blacksmith . My business has 10 workers. I send goods to different parts of the country, the income of the demand is good. By the grace of God I am in this business.  
Tosaddeque Hossain retail business, Sudhir Kamar hole sale from the blacksmith, knife, spud, including various types of grafting materials are purchased and sold in the market. It was good for my business.  
Come to buy Badarganj Upazila Parishad Vice-Chairman Saidul Islam said, essentials such as Photos, spade, spud, different types of goods, including knives are made. In fact, it's an art. The domestic industry should cooperate in order to survive at all.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date -5 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964

শনিবার, ৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Rural Bamboo and Cane industries are being lost

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj (Rangpur): 

Montu Chandra (80). At home Badarganj Upozilla Gopalpur UP Parishad adjacent to the village. Aiming to live life in this old age, hoping to use the goods he produces bamboo and cane, was marketed. Barely moved with her family to earn. And like the previous one is not found in the village of bamboo and rattan. Away from the village to buy the bamboo. The cost is higher. At present, bamboo, and hardly anyone wants to buy all the goods that. He said: This is my ancestors profession. For bamboo and cane are used to create something eye catching, if the industry could sustain. Was sponsored by the government and the Bank would offer loans on easy terms to us, you could save the industry. Everyone knows that 35 families in our village. Barely alive in the works. He and my three sons. Everyone left the job and went to Dhaka in search of livelihood. I'm an old man, trouble is not any different, but I've been in the profession of their forefathers.  
Came forward to buy the identity of the journalist Doll Kini Bala (65), he said, a day after the labor market returns of the goods to be of 150 taka 2 hundred taka. What goes on in the world? I do not know any other work, were forced to work.  
Devendra Nath (55) said: In this era of modern bamboo plastic availability and low price of the goods and the people do not want to buy. How can we live with our family can say? 
Badarganj College Teachers' Association general secretary Abdus Salam; It is made of bamboo and rattan goods with the use of eye catching art. In the interest of the people involved in the industry, including the industry that will save us. Because of our domestic industry and has become a tradition.  
Gopalpur Up chairman Azizar Rahaman try to communicate with the mobile phone when the phone did not receive any comment could not be found.  
Badarganj Upazila Parishad Vice Chairman Saiful Islam, the bank authorities would have them soft loans, including people involved in the industry, then the industry would have survived.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date-4 Feb / 17 
Mobile -01717850964