শনিবার, ২৫ মার্চ, ২০১৭

We want to keep others happy but we are not really happy, People who earn their livlihood on the Road

Kamruzzaman Mukta,Badarganj(Rangpur): 

How do people from all walks of life to become involved if necessary. People are not afraid to take risks in life to survive. Some of the main road to ease traffic jam and municipal police from morning till night, one of them has been working  relentlessly Anwar Hossain (40). Home Badarganj Upozilla Madhupur Up kajipara villege.  
He said; After two years of life, the main risks are working day and night to reduce traffic jam on the road. What happens when I do not know. I do not know much education. The poor man does something that is family run. He said, the main road at the risk of life, we are in the (safe), but we try to do better. 
Municipal Police Javed Miah (32) said; We work constantly risking lives. Sometimes I think I will be home today! She also said, poor people are less educated. What I have to do. I pay 5 per thousand. With this money a family run operation. Municipal authorities ask, you would have benefited if they had increased somewhat.  
The municipal police, Noor Alam (42) said; Rain storms on the sun that we are on the road. Work to reduce traffic jam. Barely family drive through the center of the pie. She also said, the municipality pays us to be, it is not something price rise market. If the increase in the pension system, including the municipal authority would then many of us would benefit. 
Badarganj municipal mayor Uttom Shaha said ; Before the municipal police was less allowance allowance has been increased in recent years. This allowance can be increased so that more of them are in my head. I certainly see the growth of their allowance. 

Date- 25 Mar / 17 

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