সোমবার, ২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

There are hundreds of Sisu Tree stood at the gate of death Badaraganj

Kamruzzaman Mukta, Badarganj (Rangpur): 
The death of hundreds of white Sisu tree stood at the gate. Dry tip (head) Sisu trees standing like a weak. Die-back disease caused by the effects of two road-side trees, hundreds of Sisu tree in the picture. Do not cut down all the trees in the destruction of bio-diversity. The disease is transmitted germs and insects indigenous fruit-tree forest. Badarganj-Laldighi, the Badarganj-high-way markets, which have various species of trees at the edge of the two sides of road walker would have been good, but there was a time in the trees of various species of trees unidentified Sisu trees are dying of disease. Insect attack black (tar) adhesive substance is a kind of color is out. As a result of the death of the Sisu on the tree (dried) goes to the bottom. above all of these sentence told by Badarganj Women Degree college Lecturer Harun  Ur Rasid.
Road walker Surobala Roy said, street-side trees two would have been nice at one time so that can not be expressed in words. Plants are dying for unknown reasons. But there is no one to look after? It is hard to think of dead trees. The Sisu tree shot dead tree for a long time, but the lack of road walker disrupt its end there is the sun and the rain rot. Sometimes local people to cut trees in the dark of night. Two road-side tree coloring and decent increasing the number of trees and the removal of dead people demanded by Local.  
Assistant Upozilla Agriculture Officer Kanak Chandra Roy said, Die-back dead trees may be caused by the effects of the disease. Plants may die for lack of care. He said the Department of Agriculture does not include the trees. The forest department's responsibility.  

Badarganj, Rangpur 
Date: January 3/16
Mobile: 01717850964

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